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Type: Board, Committee or Commission
Meeting location: Senior Center 7001 W. National Ave.

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Commission on Aging 3:45 PM     Export to iCalendar
Commission on Aging 3:00 PM     Export to iCalendar
Commission on Aging 1:00 PM     Export to iCalendar
Person Name TitleStart DateEnd DateE-mailWeb SiteAppointed By
Diane Langford  
Position: 6 of 6 - 60 or Older; 3 yr term
3/5/2024 3/5/2027      
Gloria Dohearty  
Position: 1 of 2 Public Member; 3 yr term
4/23/2024 4/23/2027      
John Zentgraf  
Position: 3 of 6 - 60 or Older; 3 yr term
11/2/2022 11/1/2025      
Mary Kay Flynn  
Position: 4 of 6 - 60 or Older; 3 yr term
7/18/2023 7/18/2026      
Minerva Roman de Gibilian  
Position: 5 of 6 - 60 or Older; 3 yr term
2/6/2024 2/6/2027      
Shirley Laux  
Position: 2 of 6 - 60 or Older; 3 yr term
7/12/2022 7/12/2025    
2.455 Commission On Aging The Commission on Aging shall consist of nine (9) members appointed by the Mayor, subject to confirmation by the Common Council. At least six (6) of the members shall be sixty (60) years of age or older. One member shall be an older adult experienced representative from Eras Senior Network, and two (2) members shall be representatives of the general public. No more than two (2) members may be elected to any office. The members of the Commission shall serve without compensation. The Mayor shall designate one of the members as chairperson. The initial appointments to establish the Commission shall be three (3) members for one (1) year, three (3) members for two (2) years, and three (3) members for three (3) years. Thereafter, the appointments shall be for terms of three (3) years. Time and Place of Meetings. The Commission shall meet not less than once each month. Meetings shall normally be held at the City Hall but may, with sufficient advance announcement, be held at any suitable place within the City in order to facilitate its work. Functions and Duties. Advise the Common Council annually of its activities, make recommendations to the Common Council in areas affecting the welfare of senior citizens, either upon its own initiative or upon referral of matters to it by the Common Council. Keep advised of activities of Federal, State, and County Agencies working in the area of the problems of senior citizens and, where indicated, provide liaison with such other governmental agencies. Conduct a continuous study of the needs of senior citizens within the City through census data, questionnaires, hearings and informal discussions in the areas of housing, medical care, recreation, part time employment and other concerns of senior citizens. Attempt to identify and catalog community resources of all kinds which are available to meet the needs of senior citizens. Recommend to appropriate agencies those community resources which should be instituted, improved or enlarged in order to meet the needs of senior citizens. Review and approve Commission and Senior Center budgets for consideration by the Mayor and Common Council in order to finance its work. Perform such other duties as may from time to time be assigned to it by the Common Council. Cooperate with other Boards, Commissions and Committees of the City where matters affecting senior citizens are involved. Senior Center. Program Responsibility. The Commission shall authorize the development of programs and activities for the West Allis Senior Center and shall approve such programs and activities for implementation. The Commission may establish rules and regulations for the administration of such programs and activities consistent with the provisions of this subsection. Staff. The Health Department, upon approval by the Common Council, shall provide staff as necessary to assist the Commission in performing the duties assigned to it under this subsection. Such staff as may be provided shall perform their duties under the direction and supervision of the Health Commissioner. Volunteers. The Commission may review and approve the scope of volunteer usage, to assist in the implementation of programs and activities at the Senior Center. Volunteers shall serve without compensation or reimbursement for any expenses incurred. Membership. Membership for purposes of participation in Senior Center programs and activities shall be open to any resident of Milwaukee County. However, the Commission may establish a minimum age for such membership, provided that any minimum age so established does not conflict with any County, State or Federal law or regulation governing the public use of the facility for Senior Center activities and programs. The Commission may exclude from participation all persons who willfully violate rules and regulations. The Commission may establish and collect a reasonable fee for participation in Senior Center programs and activities. Intergovernmental Cooperation. The Commission may cooperate, by agreement, with other governmental entities for the receipt or furnishing of services for any approved program or activity. The Commission shall authorize contracts for services for activities and programs conducted at the Senior Center. The Commission shall review monthly all vouchers for bills, claims and other expenses for Senior Center programs and activities. Donations and Contributions. The Commission may receive, on behalf of the City, by devise, bequest or gift, property for the purpose of operation of the Senior Center in accordance with rules which may from time to time be promulgated by the Common Council. Budget. The Commission shall review and approve Commission and Senior Center budgets for operation of programs and activities at the Senior Center. Committees. Committees. The Commission shall have authority to delegate and appoint members to such activity committees as may be deemed necessary from time to time to implement various projects and programs approved by the Commission. [Ord. 6267, 10/29/1996]